Solutions & antidotes to life's challenges
Trauma & Mental Health Support

Policy and Procedure Policy for Visitor and Staff Safety
(during Covid-19 pandemic)
Effective date: May 28th, 2020
(updated 4/29/2020 — subject to change per State orders)
Policy Statement:
Inspired Health Energy Medicine, LLC shall maintain social distancing and safety measures to help prevent the spread of disease.
To give clear guidance, to both client (see below) and staff, regarding additional safety measures being utilized during Covid-19 pandemic.
Patient &/or Client – refers to any who enter the facility and is not a Staff or Lessee of the facility.
Staff – refers to any who work here, including but not limited to all Independent Contractors, Employees, and Lessees.
Hand Sanitizers – If soap and water are not available, CDC recommends consumers use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. More Info Here from FDA on hand sanitizers.
Staff specific responsibilities and procedures:
1. All staff will adhere to the policies and procedures put in place by the CDC, the Larimer County Health Department and DORA.
2. All staff will wear masks at all times while in the office, especially when treating clients or around other staff or clients.
3. All staff having physical contact with a client shall wear clean gloves, that are disposed of between each client.
4. Hand washing or hand sanitizer must be used pre and post every Client contact.
5. All staff will disinfect all client or staff touched surfaces, including but not limited to: pens, door handles, counters, sink handles, toilet handles, chairs, keyboards, credit card machines, etc. in between every use, as well at the opening, middle and end of shifts. If you see someone touch an area, wipe it down with disinfectant.
6. All trash cans must be emptied every night and sprayed with disinfectant.
7. All linen hampers must be emptied immediately after each client. No dirty linens to be left in rooms or bathrooms at any given time, must be taken to the laundry and put in hampers with closed lids, as well as washed immediately.
8. Linens: Clean linens must be kept in closed containers or cupboards at all times, anything taken out must be washed before next use or thrown away if disposable. It is recommended to not use any blankets unless requested by client and then immediately washed after each use. All linens to be stripped and washed after every use.
9. Staggering of appointments and start times will be in effect to keep the traffic at check-out limited to only one person. If there is someone at check in/out, make sure to keep self and client at a 6-foot distance until called forward.
10. An additional 15 minutes should be given between every appointment to allow for the treatment rooms to be sanitized.
11. No more than 2 Staff members at Front desk/session room at any given time and must be 6 feet apart.
12. Staff members to respect the 6 feet social distancing rule at all times, in all spaces.
13. Clients should be informed when they schedule their appointment that only one person is allowed per appointment. This includes all children and significant others. Unless the minor child is the client, and needs accompaniment, if and only then, the accompaniment may be by only one parent/guardian.
14. Clients should also be informed and sign a consent of their compliance to the Client Specific Responsibilities and Procedures below.
Client specific responsibilities and procedures:
1. All clients must come alone to their appointments. (This includes all children and significant others. Unless the minor child is the client, and needs accompaniment, if and only then, the accompaniment may be by only one parent/guardian.)
2. Per State and County Regulations, clients must wear a mask to their appointments, and all during their appointments (especially including but not limited to: all massage, facial, spa and body treatments) until further notice, for staff and public safety. We can work around the mask if you prefer. If a client does not wear a mask, we are mandated by state law to not allow the client access into the facility and treatment not allowed to take place. We will have masks on hand if client forgets to bring one.
3. Clients may opt to wait in their vehicles if they choose and we will call them when their provider is ready to see them. (We are only allowed to be open by appointment, so our doors will be locked between clients to abide by the 10 people max rule in the facility).
4. Clients will be asked to fill out a brief form verifying they have not had respiratory symptoms, such as; cough, runny nose, fever, or have been around anyone that has had these symptoms in the last two weeks.
5. All clients will have their temperature taken prior to treatment. Anything above 100.4 will prevent treatment and entrance into the facility.
6. If there is someone at check in/out, make sure to keep at a 6-foot distance from other clients until called forward.
7. No more than 2 Clients allowed the waiting area, keeping at minimum of 6 feet apart.
8. Try to avoid touching products that are not planned to be purchased.
9. Please note we have to remove all unnecessary items from rooms and font desk including but not limited to: magazines, newspapers, service menus, any other unnecessary paper products and decor.
Additional Provider specific guidelines:
Do not treat:
• Services that involve removing a mask, until further notice. We can work around the mask if prefer.
• Temperature over 99 degrees
• Respiratory symptoms such as cough, runny nose, sneezing. Or have been around anyone that has had these symptoms in the last two weeks.
• People who are immunocompromised or at high risk, including but not limited to: chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma, serious heart conditions, undergoing cancer treatment, bone marrow or organ transplantation, immune deficiencies, poorly controlled HIV or AIDS, prolonged use of corticosteroids and other immune weakening medications, severe obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 40 or higher), poorly controlled diabetes, chronic kidney disease, undergoing dialysis, liver disease.
To not breakdown the material on the equipment
• Wood reception countertop and other porous surfaces – Only use Lysol wipes (effective against the coronavirus)
• Phone, tablets, POS systems – Only use Lysol wipes (effective against the coronavirus)
*** Please refer also to Safer at Home Larimer County Personal Services Requirements and Guidance Protocol as well as the OSHA Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 and the Larimer County Checklist for Reopening for a full list of all guidelines and requirements to be followed by all businesses, staff and lessees.