Solutions & antidotes to life's challenges
Trauma & Mental Health Support
Tele-Health - Long Distance Sessions
In today's world and post global covid limitations people all over the world are becoming more comfortable with tele-health and healing sessions administered over an online platform.
My experience with long distance sessions spans at least a decade as I eagerly have worked on international friends, family and clients across the oceans. I see and treat Remote Energy sessions like a prayer - we can think of our loved ones across the world and send them good thoughts and loving energy. In a similar way, in Energy Medicine it is possible to send healing energy to people and places simply by tapping into their energy field once being granted permission. It is therefore not necessary for a client to be face to face for the treatment to occur. I have many clients who are separated from their families by great distances, and who request sessions for them. Other clients are simply in too much pain to leave their home and come to the office, they don't have the time to drive in or they are snowed in! Many of my clients are located overseas on the other side of the world. Then there's people I've met in my travels or others that are in countries I've lived before. Whatever the case might be, my clientele is global and I am very grateful for being able to assist people and animals no matter where they are at that moment.
A long distance session may be performed after a phone interview, or if that is not possible after a short interaction with a loved one who has authority to discuss the person's health and well-being.
Using intention to tap into a client's energy is much like thinking of a loved one while they are away. A person's energy field may be accessed, after authorization has been given, over any space and time continuum. Much as we send prayers across the world, we can send an intention for healing as well.
A session may be focused on a specific ailment or outcome, or be simply as a wellness precaution. It is beneficial for a person to be in a resting position while receiving energy medicine, I therefore very often schedule long distance sessions at night, when a client is asleep or at a time where they can sit quietly and receive without being disturbed. We then proceed to touch base after the session to assess their health state and improvement.
In such a way, a client's energy field is renewed and rejuvenated as well as balanced and more grounded till further need arises.
A long distance or remote session is always followed by a consultation to relay any necessary information and findings.
You can read some acknowledgements for Long Distance Energy Medicine and Coaching sessions on my Testimonials page so feel free to check them out and become more comfortable with the idea while getting inspired!
Fees for long distance sessions are structured in the same way as regular sessions.
Please sent me a note when booking that this is a Remote sessions so I know not to expect you at the office.
A monthly group healing support is offered each 1st of the month when you join The Wellness Revolution. Just sit back in your own safe space and receive the healing vibes sent your way. Details on the adjacent post.
Further more as an added support for the validity of remote sessions following is an article from the Huffington Post explaining more about distance healing:
The Wellness Revolution
-Monthly Subscription
Monthly Wellness/Healing Support.
Would you like a little help in staying focused, less stressed and energized?
Then The Wellness Revolution monthly support sessions are perfect for you. Sign up for monthly physical & emotional support sent to you at the beginning of each month and allow yourself to feel centered, renewed and rejuvenated!
Even doctors and scientists are seeing proof daily in their patients life that stress and emotional imbalance can lead to physical disease. Stress is termed the number one cause for disease in our times and with good reason when life gets so busy and out of hand that we do not feel we have a moment to breath and relax.
With this monthly, long distance Energy Clearing & Balancing session service you can get consistent support to help you keep your mind calm and your body happy. You do not have to do anything but to sign up. From then on, once a month you will receive a clearing, chakra balancing and emotional healing support over a long distance session that is scheduled to occur every 1st of the month. The session is programmed to take place while you sleep, when the mind is asleep and out of the way and the body is in its healing mode. When you sign up you will also receive an email reminding you that your clearing & balancing session is about to occur so make sure to provide your email address so the message can reach you. This way you know and get excited that you are about to receive a session. The next morning you might notice the difference as your body will welcome this much needed support and relaxation.
This service provides much needed relief from stress, provides calm to the body, and also helps boost your immune system as a result. It is beneficial for people in any stage of life or profession, especially those with high stress in their lives. The Wellness Revolution Program is essential for those who are going through a health challenge or those who are supporting a loved one while they struggle with their health. It also works wonders for students that need to focus better, have a busy schedule and might have learning disabilities. And it is perfect for young adults who are seeking a new direction in their lives and need some clarity and guidance.
Less stress can mean, a stronger body, less disease and mental well being. As we remove excess stress from our lives we provide support with existing disease, less chances for anxiety and overwhelm and clarity of mind.
So far we have had amazing results and people are reporting a sense of well-being, clarity and focus and even pain relief which often follows them throughout the month.
Your first month is free as a trial period. After that you will be charged a recurring fee of $25.
Cancel at anytime by sending me an email.
The result is a healthier, calmer,
happier state of being!
Please watch for an email to
activate your subscription
after you sign up!
Meryl Davids Landau: Energy Healed Me -- Over the Phone! A Scientist Explains How
Huffington Post, October 19, 2011 14:50:22
Over the years I've been to a number of energy therapists who've used methods ranging from their hands to acupuncture needles to tuning forks to cure whatever's ailed me (and it usually did). But the last time, when an odd pain kept me from traveling to a practitioner's office, the ache was vanquished over the phone.
That was more woo-woo than even I could handle (even though I've written about various forms of energy healing for years), which got me wondering, how is it that a therapist -- using nothing more than thoughts and energy -- can help someone improve their health?
So I put in a call to Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., author of the books "The Biology of Belief" and "Spontaneous Evolution." Lipton is no flighty New-Ager; earlier in his career he worked as a cell biologist and professor at the National Institutes of Health, Stanford and the University of Wisconsin, among others. It was actually the experience of scientifically cloning cells that convinced Lipton that the way we view healing is wrong. When he separated genetically identical stem cells into three Petri dishes, he says, the cells in each dish grew to be totally different than those in the other dishes -- even though all were genetically the same. That set Lipton on his lifelong quest to uncover the role the environment and other factors play in cell restoration and growth.
Here are excerpts from our fascinating conversation.
Q: Is it possible to scientifically explain energy healing?
Bruce Lipton: Absolutely. There's a concept in quantum physics called "entanglement," which is when one energy source entangles with another so that they interfere with each other. This interference can be positive and harmonious, as with energy healing, or it can be negative.
Physicist Amit Goswami published an article in a physics journal showing that entanglement affects people. He had two people meditate together and then separated them into two chambers where they couldn't see or hear one another. When one person had a light strobed by his eye, it caused the firing of a certain frequency in the brain. Remarkably, at the same moment, the other person's brain also fired, even though he never saw the light. This proves what we intuitively knew, that the energies of people can affect one another.
Q: Are there examples of entanglement in other things?
Bruce Lipton: Sure. If you have pendulum clocks on the wall and start them all at different times, after a while the pendulums will all swing in synchronicity. The same thing happens with heart cells in a Petri dish: They start beating in rhythm even when they're not touching one another.
Q: What exactly happens in an energy healing session, then?
Bruce Lipton: What Goswami's study demonstrated is that when two people become entangled, one person will conform to the energy of the other person. When one of them is a healer whose cells are vibrating at a higher level, the client's cells become entangled, and their energy is lifted. That's why that old saying, "physician heal thyself," is so important, even though most don't understand it: If the physician's energy is going to influence or, in scientific terms, "entrain" the patient's, the doctor's must be higher.
Q: What causes a person's energy to be lower in the first place?
Bruce Lipton: This is where environment comes in. And by that I mean of course diet, exercise and stress, but also your sense -- or lack -- of optimism. Each of our cells is a living entity, and the main thing that influences them is our blood. If I open my eyes in the morning and my beautiful partner is in front of me, my perception causes a release of oxytocin, dopamine, growth hormones -- all of which encourage the growth and health of my cells. But if I see a saber tooth tiger, I'm going to release stress hormones -- cortisol, histamine, norepinephrine. Those chemicals change the cells to a protection mode. I don't even have to see these things: If I'm worried or afraid, my blood will fill with the same harmful chemicals. People need to realize that their thoughts are more primary than their genes, because the environment, which is influenced by our thoughts, controls the genes.
Q: So you have to change the environment -- including your thoughts -- if you want healing to be sustained?
Bruce Lipton: Yes. If your environment keeps draining your energy, it's like having a leaky bank account, where any money you're putting into the bank, such as by seeing an energy healer, keeps slipping out. You have to change your environment, including any harmful beliefs, before the energy can stay high.
Q: Does a person's expectation about a healer play a role in whether they improve?
Bruce Lipton: Absolutely. Your cells don't see the environment directly; they take as their truth what the brain tells them. That's why the placebo effect is so powerful for every type of healing. If the brain expects that a treatment will work, it sends healing chemicals into the bloodstream, which facilitates that. And the opposite is equally true and equally powerful: When the brain expects that a therapy will not work, it doesn't. It's called the "nocebo" effect.
I once developed Bell's palsy, which is a paralysis of the face. One morning I put a coffee cup to my lips, and the coffee started running down my shirt. The standard treatment is medication, but I was determined to be over it without drugs in one week. I went to an acupuncturist and chiropractor, both of which are forms of energy healers. Seven days later it was gone. I know it could have resolved even faster if I hadn't chosen a week as my goal.
Q: What about healing over a long distance? That's a hard concept for people -- including me -- to wrap our heads around.
Bruce Lipton: It's freaky, but it works, because energy isn't limited to a set spatial distance."