Solutions & antidotes to life's challenges
Trauma & Mental Health Support
4 Ways to well-being
Love this copy for a group event of my won:
From Dr. James Gordon
Participants will attend lectures on the latest research in mind-body medicine and experience CMBM’s pioneering Mind-Body Skills Groups. In these groups, they will practice a variety of techniques to reduce stress and enhance self-awareness, to mobilize their imagination and intuition, and to develop their capacity for self-care. They will, as well, share what they have learned with and learn from one another.
For more than 25 years, CMBM has taught this program to more than 5,000 professionals – clinicians, educators, community leaders, and peer counselors. Over that time, CMBM has developed what is likely the world’s largest, most effective program for healing population-wide stress and trauma. Its work in the Balkans, Israel, Gaza, Haiti, and with Syrian refugees, US veterans, and New York City Fire fighters post 9/11, and in troubled American communities has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, and USA Today, and on CBS 60 Minutes.
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Energy Medicine may incorporate several techniques such as Healing Touch, Reiki, Quantum Cellular rejuvenation, Aromatherapy, Crystal & Color Therapy and much more. A session develops organically and the focus is placed on what needs to be addressed first in order to restore health and well-being.
This is an energy therapy were practitioners consciously use their hands in a heart-centered and intentional way to support and facilitate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. It is a biofield therapy that helps relax the body and allow it to come back to balance and a more healthy state. The relaxation response which is elicited in the body allows for physical balance and harmony to ensue.
Simple ways to shift and heal with intentional addition of color in your life.
Energy Medicine may incorporate several techniques such as Healing Touch, Reiki, Quantum Cellular rejuvenation, Aromatherapy, Crystal & Color Therapy and much more. A session develops organically and the focus is placed on what needs to be addressed first in order to restore health and well-being.
Click on images for more information & links.
Click on images to get more info.
...and how does it benefit me?
Many people often experience Energy Medicine as deep relaxation. A time when you let go of anything outside the session and allow yourself to breathe and be restored. Energy Medicine is relaxing and rejuvenating. An Energy Therapy practitioner will use their hands to scan and assess their client’s body state and proceed to help clear blockages in order to achieve physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellness.
The client remains fully clothed and lies comfortably on a massage table. The practitioner will place their hands in various positions on the body and use either light or no touch as instructed by the client. Dimmed lights, soft music and a relaxation visualization technique to help the client enter their "happy place" and begin the healing experience.
...and how does it benefit me?