Solutions & antidotes to life's challenges
Trauma & Mental Health Support

Techniques, Benefits &
Beginner’s How-To
If you are new to meditation,
just starting out or want to get
more involved with it, this is a great intro class. We will touch upon different types of meditation and you can discover what might work best for you. Not everyone can sit still for long periods of time; but don’t sweat. There are meditations where you get to move around and experience calm and peace from another perspective. Meditation can be beneficial to lower stress, combat depression, learn how to manage your life if you have been diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, Autism and other challenging health triggers. With meditation we can slow our breathing and deal with anxiety, lower blood pressure and enhance our focus. It can bevery helpful in visualizing and reaching goals in life, no matter how far they seem. Meditation is a state of deep peace that occurs when the mind is calm and silent and we will be learning how to achieve those states. We will practice meditation together and share experiences in order to gain perspective.
90 minutes Energy exchange $20
4 wk Meditation Course Energy exchange $100

Attributes, Characteristics &
Beginner’s How-to
Tons of information, handout and hands on experience. Touch, feel and connect with your favorite crystals. Learn why you are attracted to certain stones and how they can help you. Did you know that every crystal has its own characteristics and can help by adjusting and balancing the vibration in your body? Now you can put those beautiful rocks into use and benefit from their unique vibration.
No previous experience necessary. 90 minutes.

Give Voice to your Intuition!
How do I use it? Connect with your
heart and get answers! Have you
always wanted to know what a pendulum is and how to use it? This is your chance to learn about dowsing, experience using a pendulum and understand more about the possibilities of how to use one, with intention, charts and more.
No previous experience necessary. 90 minutes.

Experience Essential Oils and
Make your Own Spritzer.
Learn about the qualities of different essential oils, how they are beneficial to your health and body and have fun creating your own recipe and taking home a spritzer for future use. Essential oils are a natural way of treating aches, pains and dis-eases of the body. Simple remedies for your personal care can save you money and help you feel better naturally. I use essential oils in my lotions and potions, for health issues, to clean my home and to enjoy their aroma in my office.
Add a few oils to your life and enjoy their healthy benefits.
By demand class - Contact me to schedule a class for six or more people. Great for birthday parties & Special Events.
2 hour class {includes spritzer}

Children’s Program – Temporarily suspended
No time commitment necessary.
Is your child wiser than its age? Have trouble focusing at school or not feeling challenged?
Does your child have trouble integrating, conforming or being "the same" as other children its age?
Has your child been labeled ADD, ADHD or some other word that you know does not describe your child?
Do you have trouble with hyperactivity, helping them settle down and calming their brain?
Are you looking to find ways to support your child while they grow into the amazing person you know them to be?
In this class Parents & Children spend time together, learning & practicing together to develop easy
parenting skills, explore self-empowerment values and navigate life in a successful and joyful way. I am
so excited to be offering these life changing tools of empowerment and learning fun for kids ages 6-12.
As a parent and caretaker I am thrilled to provide this powerful knowledge for kids and parents alike to
help enhance your lives, aid the parent/kid relationships and help you navigate life together successfully
and with joy.
Learn ways to develop the unique nature of who you are, grow your self esteem, understand your inner
self and your relationship to others and the world around you and explore tools to live a happy life and
ways to be happy and safe in your environment.
This unique group is structured in such a way to allow kids and tweens to be themselves and grow with
confidence. The curriculum and the environment that we will be holding for our unique kids comes from
the heart space and allows for supportive growth and expansion. We will be learning about our
electromagnetic bodies, the energy we carry around and how it affects us and others, we will talk about
quiet time (meditation), the aura and it's colors and a lot more to empower the self and raise confident
and happy children. Breathing and Calming techniques will be introduced allowing the experience of
inner calm and peace.
You and your children are invited to join me as I offer the tools and activities that honor that power
Join us the first Tuesday of each month as we hold this energetic class for kids and parents, hosted by
Corinna Kromer, CRM/T, HTCP, who teaches the Vibrational Tools for your tool box, (a new one each
month), that you can use and build on all month long. Parents bring those tools home and get to practice with the children at home, in the car and school and wherever you are. These tools will help the children learn, expand, and deal with the world inside of them and around them in a whole new way!
This is a place to be heard, a place to learn and a place to be accepted as you are for the gifts that you bring to share with the world. Lets dance, be silly and find our power within and celebrate who our kids are. Be part of this new generation of kids and parents that bring inspiring change to our world!
If you know of other spirited kids and eternally growing adults that would love our group please pass on
the word. We want to grow our family and take over the world with our laughter! A guide for empowering children and their parents.
Ages 6-12
Every 1st Tuesday, 2015, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Energy exchange $15/pers./Sess.
Each additional sibling $10
TBA Fort Collins, CO -
Explore your Intuition & Discover your Power Within
A revolving gathering for like-minded teens and young adults that want to have fun and connect with like-minded people.
Are you looking for ways to boost your self-esteem, have more ease at school academically and with your peers? Do you struggle with addictions and have a hard time fitting in? Are you looking to expand your consciousness and dive into the vast information matrix, find ways to deal with stress and learn tools to understand the empathic nature of Highly Sensitive People?
As a young adult do you feel overstimulated and affected by the crowd around you and are looking to find tools to protect "your space"? Are you overwhelmed by emotions and situations and need to find a calm haven to get away and stay sane?
If this sound at least a bit like you, I invite you to come join our group for teens and young adults where you can be yourself and meet other like-minded people. In my practice I meet so many wonderful and gifted young adults and it is my goal to provide a place where you can come together and freely discuss what is on your mind, learn more about being "different" in this world and why it is ok to be who youare. We will touch on subjects that deal with our power within as well as the vast universe beyond. We will share information and experiences and support each other. Touch on ways to use our creativity, make the right choices and live an inspiring life. Some discussions will include information on Meditation, Mindfulness, Auras, Third Eye, Energy Centers, Being aware of Subtle Energies around you, Space, Black Holes, Quantum Physics and other wild topics that you would like to explore.
Why Jedi Training? Well, simply because for many, the spiritual and ethical message of the Jedi Order from the Star Wars movies resonates with their personal views. To become a Jedi requires a profound commitment and astute mind and in our every day lives we are responsible for our actions and our beliefs. Our set of beliefs and tools determine much of how we live our lives. Just like in the movie this is a place where you can gather information and create your own life code which is based on kindness, acceptance and personal growth. We will touch upon concepts which explore ideals such as rational thought, patience, and benevolence.
Upon consistent attendance in this group you will receive a beautiful Jedi certificate which will remind you of your "code" and will bestow upon you the Rank of JEDI KNIGHT for the Soul!
It is so exciting to be offering these life changing tools of empowerment and fun so make sure you join
our group and let us hear and support your ideas and experiences. Join us and be part of this new
generation of young adults that bring inspiring change to our world! If you are under 18 please obtain
permission from your guardian to attend this group.
May the Force Be With You!
2nd Tuesday every month, 6:30pm-8:00pm
Ages 16-24 Snacks offered
Suggested Energy exchange $15/person/Sess.
First session is always free so come check it out.
Location: Visit class page
Fort Collins, CO -