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Solutions & antidotes to life's challenges
Trauma & Mental Health Support

Who can benefit from these coaching programs?There comes a time in our life when we know we are ready to make some changes. A time when we clearly realize that what was enough so far in life will not do for the path forward. Whether that is on a personal or business level the tools are the same. In fact, I believe, that once you come to accept yourself and your gifts everything else will fall into place. Hense we work together on nurturing your spirit, your self acceptance and transform your past wounds into gems and trophies that you can carry forward with pride. All our experieces help shape us into who we are, and we each have our own unique story. I love helping you uncover your gifts, find you strenghts and guide you into the path of joy and success. Start thinking of some key questions: When was the last time you had a good laugh? What do you enjoy most in life? What have you always wanted to pursue? All these questions are just the beginning of unveiling the true you. If you are ready to take a leap of faith into yourself I am honored to stand by you and guide you. I look forward to meeting you.
What are Healing sessions good for?Energy Medicine/Vibrational Healing sessions are good for physical and emotional ailments, including the flu and the common cold. They are also helpful for pain relief and are used in hospitals across the nation during and after surgery to help diminish the pain, promote healing and shorten the hospital stay. Energy Medicine has been used for centuries to help with anything that might be off balance in the mental, emotional and physical body. In my practice Energy Medicine sessions are offered in person or remotely and are instrumental in supporting the disolution of physical dis-eases, supporting emotional hurdles and enhacing spiritual awareness. They are also used in conjunction with my Mediterraneal Lifestyle coaching sessions to provide clarity and promote solid positive change .
What does Energy Medicine/Vibrational Healing feel like?The sessions are very relaxing and rejuvenating at the same time. Many clients achieve pain relief, support for anxiety/depression, clarity and a sense of renewed energy and excitement for life. At the end of the session you are more likely to feel ready to face the world.
How long is an Energy Medicine session?A typical Energy Medicine session is 60 minutes although you may book a session up to 2 hours long.
How can Mediterranean Lifestyle Coaching and Wellness Education help me?Everything starts from a state of mind and by recognizing the problem at hand. These coaching programs focus on your pertinent issues, bring clarity and provide tools to achieve your desired results. These coaching sessions help set you in a direction destined for joy and success in your life. They will help you overcome the way you see health challenges and set you on a direction to achieve wellbeing on many levels . If you are determined to make a change then the time is now. If you need help making that change then start by making a commitment to yourself to step into the change that you would like to see.
How long does it take to see some change take effect?Everyone is unique as is the stage in life that you find yourself in. The more determined you are and eager to put in the work, the faster change comes along. Six months is usually a base level when people start really stepping into a new way of thinking and bearing the fruits of their labor.
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