Solutions & antidotes to life's challenges
Trauma & Mental Health Support

E.T.C. Lucid Hypnosis- Elevator to Consciousness
- a safe way to understand and process life experiences.
What is it and how do I benefit from it?
Life Changing Results, Fast.
What would you give to be able to finally fix what's been ailing you and live the life you've always dreamed of?
Over the years I have developed my own unique form of resonant healing and well-being, the Elevator to Consciousness, ETC for short.
ETC, is a form of regression and lucid hypnosis, that can help you get to the root of any issue and effectively eliminate unwanted thoughts and behaviors. While in complete control of your senses during the session, you will access and work with the deep subconscious that will give you clues in how to begin making positive changes in your life.
It is fast, efficient and gets to the point.
ETC is a conscious technique, where you are fully awake, aware and in control, while accessing parts of your subconscious that need to be re-programmed in order to move past old unhealthy patterns.
I developed this process as a way of helping my clients, that did not seem to get help through conventional therapy, to overcome stubborn obstacles and move easily through past trauma and fears.
This lucid hypnosis protocol, will guide you to understand and move through mental/emotional blocks, by accessing the guidance of your own sub-conscious. There is a part of yourself, deep in your subconscious, that is filled with wisdom and instrumental nuggets of information. This information can lead you to understand what has been stopping you from living a joyful and fulfilled life. We will pinpoint those nuggets and bring them to your conscious awareness to use them as tools for your healing.
NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming
- overcoming obstacles by creating cognitive behavioral change.
ETC is sometimes combined with NLP Therapy to bring about fast, efficient and safe desired changes. This combination is a powerful transformational process that gives you lasting freedom from chronic issues and can improve your life in just a few sessions.
NLP is a form of therapy that helps change negative thoughts, and by default behaviors, in order to help people achieve desired relief from any issue that plagues them. NLP therapy identifies undesirable thought patterns and replaces them with successful patterns that lead to desired results. In essence, NLP uncovers and reprograms limiting beliefs that live in the subconscious to bring about a change in behavior.
NLP has proven to be an effective treatment for anxiety, depression, PTSD, low self-esteem, phobias and it gives a boost to those seeking career success and personal enhancement. The goals of NLP are to help the client understand that the way one views the world affects how one operates in the world, and that it is necessary to change the thoughts and behavior patterns that have not proven beneficial in the past.
What is the setting: During the session, you lay comfortably on a massage table, fully clothed, and are guided through the process by my voice in amazing lucidity. The relaxation effect takes you through alpha and then to a theta level brainwave where clarity and change is possible. ETC is a powerful way of accessing the subconscious and providing healing and relief to memories and traumas that plague us throughout our lives. By the end of your appointment you will be guided back to the present moment, with complete clarity of your session and the guidance that you received. You will then be able to apply that new understanding to your current issues and be able to find healing and understanding as you move forward in life.
While not a hypnosis treatment per se, it provides similar results, such as deep relaxation and clarity, and helps you understand and move through fears and hesitations that have been slowing you down all your life. I have been successfully working with this technique for several years now and the results are phenomenal.
This process is also available and is effective in remote appointments where we can work over the phone or an internet video platform. You are supported and guided every step of the way by me and also assisted with energy medicine healing techniques in order to navigate your inner terrain in a comfortable and safe way.
You are in full control every moment of the session and can choose to terminate or change the focus at anytime.
ETC brings clarity, relief and closure.
The results are very personal and unique as every one of us has different demons to face. Sessions are most often followed by relaxation, clarity, a sense of relief and closure. Two to three sessions of ETC alternating with Energy Medicine or Coaching sessions help bring cohesiveness and clarity to any issue you might be struggling with. The ETC sessions are also a highway to consciousness, ascension and enlightenment. This process allows us to access the intelligence of the subconscious and uncover wisdom we already possess to successfully and gracefully move forward in life. There is always a part of ourselves that has the answer, yet in our every day stressful kind of living it eludes us. This is why ETC/NLP used during Energy Medicine sessions or coupled with coaching sessions can provide you with ways to overcome hurdles and live the life you have always dreamed of.
If you would like to experience ETC/NLP you may book a 90 minute Energy Medicine session and inform me of your intent upon booking by messaging me.
ETC is offered alone, during an extended Energy Medicine session or as part of my Signature Coaching Programs, Living Your Dream and the 12 Steps to Freedom package.
Clients have reported profound changes in the way they see their life. They now possess a new understanding of what was standing in their way, have had a chance to make positive changes and communicate this understanding to their subconscious and conscious references.
This commitment to yourself is just what you need to breakthrough and begin living life the way you imagine it.
Join me now for a chance to success, joy and fulfillment in all areas of your lie.